Instant fossils
Instant fossils is a photographic project about landscape and the human traces within it.
Through the manipulation of structural data from the images I began to intervene different objects and constructions that I have found in remote and desolate places in the desert of Baja California Sur in the Northern region of Mexico. I believe that in a way, all these constructions become instant fossils when they cease to serve their original purpose, and at the same time they become new elements within the landscape and geology of the place. I use a programming language to rearrange the pixels of the image so that the object or human footprint is itself modified.
During the different trips I made in this region I was surprised by the fact that, no matter how much I tried to get away from the main roads and towns, I always ended up finding different constructions and objects used by humans.
The series seeks to distance itself from the romantic idea of landscape by moving into the new post-natural environments that I understand as a new reality. From these new landscapes we can propose a new relationship with our surroundings and rethink the global impact that human activities are having on the different Earth's ecosystems. Recognising these new environments allows us to rethink other ways of understanding our relationship with processes, materials, temporality and our perception of landscape and "nature".